Paragon HR Consulting

Ending Employment Relationships

[vc_row top_and_bottom_padding=”” left_and_right_padding=”” bg_type=””][vc_column delay=”” delay_offset=”” width=”1/1″][text]As a business owner or manager, one of the most challenging tasks you may face is terminating an employee. While it may be necessary for the betterment of your company, it is crucial to handle the situation with grace and respect. The way you handle this situation can impact […]

Inspiring Employee Engagement & Success

As a manager, inspiring your employees is crucial to the success of your organization. When employees are motivated, they are more productive, creative, and collaborative, which leads to better business outcomes. Here are some tips on inspiring employee success: 1. Set clear goals One of the most effective ways to inspire your employees is to […]

Workplace Culture…evolve or become extinct. 

Workplace culture is defined by the shared values, attitudes, behaviors, and practices that characterize an organization. A positive workplace culture is crucial for the success of any organization, as it fosters employee engagement, enhances productivity, and reduces turnover rates. Here are some tips to create a positive workplace culture that supports the organization’s overall growth […]

Are Job Descriptions Worth the Work? (YES…and here is why.) 

In the HR world, we often see critical HR documents fail to see the light of day because of the operational burden it often creates on the person tasked with making them happen.  Job Descriptions are always at the top of that list.  However, an effective Job Description can do a lot for your business financially and […]