Paragon HR Consulting

Navigating Workplace Relationships

As the great Kenny Rogers said, “You’ve got to know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em.” Navigating workplace relationships can be challenging at times. Here’s how you can master the art of knowing when to hold your ground and knowing when to let go. Hold Your Ground Stand firm on matters […]

Be the Change You Want to See at Work

co workers laughing around a conference table

This HR tip is a powerful reminder that change starts with YOU. If you want to see a positive shift at work, be the change you want to see. Here’s how: Embrace a Growth Mindset Adopt a mindset of continuous growth and improvement. Be open to learning, seeking feedback, and embracing new challenges. By demonstrating […]

Foster Genuine Working Relationships

a women pointing to a coworkers computer screen

When you prioritize authenticity and connection, magic happens. Here’s how to foster genuine working relationships: Be Present and Engaged Show up fully in your interactions with colleagues. Be attentive, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations. Your presence creates a positive and supportive atmosphere that encourages genuine connections. Show Empathy and Understanding  Acknowledge and respect […]

Developing Yourself Develops Everything Else

coworkers around a conference table working

Investing in your personal and professional development is not only beneficial for you but for the entire ecosystem around you. Developing yourself develops everything else and here’s why: Expand Your Skills By continuously learning and honing your skills, you become more capable and confident in tackling challenges. This newfound expertise brings fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, […]

Why Communication Is Key for Success

coworkers laughing around a conference table

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, effective communication is a fundamental pillar for success. As an HR consultancy, we understand the crucial role that communication plays in achieving organizational objectives and fostering harmonious relationships. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of understanding our responsibilities in the communication process and how […]

Harnessing the Power of Manifestation


As we navigate our professional journeys, it’s important to recognize the power of manifestation. The ability to visualize our goals and actively work towards them can create a profound impact on our success. In this blog post, we will explore how harnessing manifestation can help us make our professional dreams a reality. 1. Set Clear […]

Ending Employment Relationships

[vc_row top_and_bottom_padding=”” left_and_right_padding=”” bg_type=””][vc_column delay=”” delay_offset=”” width=”1/1″][text]As a business owner or manager, one of the most challenging tasks you may face is terminating an employee. While it may be necessary for the betterment of your company, it is crucial to handle the situation with grace and respect. The way you handle this situation can impact […]

Inspiring Employee Engagement & Success

As a manager, inspiring your employees is crucial to the success of your organization. When employees are motivated, they are more productive, creative, and collaborative, which leads to better business outcomes. Here are some tips on inspiring employee success: 1. Set clear goals One of the most effective ways to inspire your employees is to […]

Are Job Descriptions Worth the Work? (YES…and here is why.) 

In the HR world, we often see critical HR documents fail to see the light of day because of the operational burden it often creates on the person tasked with making them happen.  Job Descriptions are always at the top of that list.  However, an effective Job Description can do a lot for your business financially and […]